Fresh Pond Reservation Natural Resource Inventory and Stewardship Plan, Cambridge, MA
Natural and cultural landscape analysis and research, CAD and GIS data collection for computer mapping, plots and report with Rizzo Associates, Inc. Design recommendations for the enhancement of the natural and cultural landscape, Writing and illustration for reports. Community outreach.
Links to Stewardship Plan: Link 1, Link 2, Link 3,
Neponset River Basin: Estuary Area of Critical Environmental Concern
Multi community and state agency proposal to protect, enhance and restore the natural and cultural resources of the Neponset River Estuary. Input to MA. GIS program for resource and boundary delineation on GIS map. Input into current MA. D. E. M. Management Plan for the Neponset Estuary.
Link to Estuary ACEC: Link 1, Link 2
Blair Pond Analysis
Commonwealth of MA Riverways
Grant to study Blair Pond for restoration of habitat and context,
in collaboration with Fugro McClelland (East) and the MA. Division of Marine Fisheries.
Link 1
Neponset River Basin: Fowl Meadow and Ponkapoag Bog A.C.E.C.
A thirteen community proposal to protect the main stem of the Neponset River through the delineation of a 9,000 acre reserve. Documentation of the significant resources and rationale for their protection.
Link to Fowl Meadow ACEC: Link 1, Link 2